Review: Laneige Water Bank Line


Hey guys!

Today's post will be all about a premium Korean skincare brand, Laneige. I bought their trial kit from their Water Bank line & I have been using it daily for the past 3 weeks. It's given me enough time to really analyse how well this worked on my skin type and I think now I can give you a proper review of this line!

For those of you who haven't heard of Laneige before, it's a popular Korean skincare brand with a variety of different lines that cater to different skin concerns. The Water Bank line which I tried out is specifically for moisturising and claims to self-create moisture which makes it perfect for dry or dehydrated skin types. Although I feel like my skin-type is generally on the combination side, I do feel like my skin has become more dehydrated now that's its winter and I felt like I needed to switch up my skincare a little bit because of this.

So, for the past 3 weeks I decided to switch up my eye cream, serum and moisturiser for the Laneige ones as seen above. I did continue using my Kiehl's Dark Spot Corrector and my Bioré SPF alongside them too. If you would like to read my thoughts on those two products and my other all time fave skincare products, you can do so by clicking here. But for now, let me get reviewing!

Water Bank Eye Gel

This award-winning eye cream claims to provide moisture for upto 24 hours and consists of natural Bilberry extracts which are known to alleviate stress. It's a thin gel-like consistency which spreads evenly when applied.Also includes:

  • Hydro Ion Mineral Water - Regulates your skin moisture and works with your moisturising genes to help them produce moisture naturally.

  • Quinoa - Key for protecting your skin from environmental factors! ie pollution and cold weather which can make your skin feel tight & dry.

  • Natural Olive Oil - Hydrating and helps the texture of your skin become smoother.

  • Tillisia Extract - Rich in Betaine (NMF - Natural Moisturising Factor) which helps retain moisture in your skin cells.

I wouldn't say my under-eyes particularly needed extra hydration but this was really refreshing to use. It's definitely not a thick, sticky eye cream and it absorbs into the skin really quickly so it wasn't a problem for me to apply makeup on afterwards. I primarily use eye cream for dark circles/puffiness which this eye cream doesn't claim to target, so I did use my Kiehl's one if I did get a bad nights sleep/went places where I didn't want puffy eyes lol. I'd say this eye gel would be perfect for those who do need extra moisture around their eyes and want a good base for their concealer. Because this is meant to regulate your skins moisture, I'd say over time this will really help you combat your dry under-eyes instead of just being a temporary fix! If you have other under-eye concerns like I do, I don't think this is something for you.

Would I repurchase?

...No, it's a great product but it just doesn't suit my needs! If the only concern you have is hydration, then this is perfect but not if you have multiple different concerns you want to treat!

Water Bank Essence_EX

This was my favourite product from the kit! I apply this all over my face and neck after applying my eye cream. The consistency is very similar to the eye gel but ever so slightly thicker. It's so smooth to apply and extremely lightweight but it gives an instant plump and hydrated feel to the skin. It absorbs quickly and doesn't feel sticky at all. It keeps my skin hydrated all day and within 4-5 days of using this twice a day, I felt my skin texture improve drastically! The texture of my skin evened out and I was honestly so amazed at how quickly this transformed my skin. I definitely would recommend this to you if you need hydration and you feel like your skin deserves to be smoother! The formula of an essence/serum is much thinner to that of a moisturiser. This means that the molecules can penetrate deeper into your skin cells and provide moisture to layers much deeper than the skins surface. Your skin will feel much more plump and hydrated from within, giving you a much healthier look.

Would I repurchase? 

YES! I'm in love with this product and I'm so happy that it gives almost instant results (4 days is way quicker than waiting for the average 2 weeks to notice the benefits of a skincare product). Even though I really like using Hyaluronic Acids, this has provided my skin with the right amount of hydration and helped to give me a really smooth skin texture.

Water Bank Gel Cream

I used this as a morning moisturiser under my makeup (or even when I wasn't wearing makeup) and again this was super moisturising without leaving a sticky feeling or taking forever to absorb into the skin. It claims to activate moisturising genes to increase your skins production of NMF's and give you moisturisation from the 20th layer to the skins surface. Not only that, it's meant to regulate your skins sebum (ideal for combination skin) and has an 'Air-wetting' formula. Apparently, that means that the "molecules bind to moisture in the air and draws it into the skin for a thorough moisturising effect". I can't comment on if this actually happens or if this still applies if you're wearing makeup on top, but I can say it did hydrate my skin well and has helped regulate my skins oil production. What I like about this cream compared to others is that I could apply my primer and makeup literally 2 mins after without it flaking off because it absorbs that quickly into the skin! Other moisturisers I've used are too thin and not hydrating enough or too thick so I have to wait a while before applying makeup - not ideal for when you need to be ready quickly in the morning!

Would I repurchase? 

Yes! I love the balance this moisturiser provides. I was in need of something more hydrating than my previous Garnier moisturiser but one that would provide to be a great base for makeup. Bonus that it's helped regulate my skin's oil production too!

Water Bank Moisture Cream

Essentially, this has the same claims as the gel cream however it's targeted to a slightly drier skin type. I decided to use this daily as a night cream instead because it is thicker and a cream consistency rather than gel as the other previous products. Very velvety smooth and it felt really luxe to apply. It was thicker, so it did leave me more shiny and did take longer to absorb into the skin but nothing that I would consider to be 'oily'. It was more of a 'oh you've just put moisturiser on' kind of look. Using this at night meant that my skin could really take it in while I slept and in the morning I woke up with soft, plump and smooth skin! I did try this during the day once and because it took longer to absorb into the skin, it meant that my primer didn't apply and flaked off so that's something to bare in mind if you try this. I think it would be ideal for drier skin types than my own or for someone who has 10-15mins time to wait for their moisturiser to sink in before makeup application in the morning!

Would I repurchase this? 

...No! Although this was really nice to apply as a night cream, I do think I could achieve the same results with other serums and creams found on the high street. My skin-type isn't that dry for me to need this during the day, but if you do have dry skin then this will probably suit you better!

Final thoughts:

I really enjoyed trialling these products out and they were perf to travel with because they are so small! I'm glad I tried them out because I found a serum I LOVE and is super effective in a matter of days (didn't even know that was possible!!) as well as a new moisturiser that's perfect for my skin type! I don't think I would've tried Laneige products out otherwise because they are high-end and it's always a gamble as skincare products don't work the same for everyone! I look forward to trying out more products from them in the future!

If you would like to purchase this trail kit them click here. If you've tried these products out too/have any other recommendations from Laneige, please comment below or message me via my contact page!

Thank you so much for reading & I'll see you on the next post!

Kavita K xo

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***All of the products I have mentioned above are from my own personal experiences. Please remember that everyone reacts differently to different products - products that work for me may not work well for you. Be sure to do some research before making purchases, especially if you have allergies to certain ingredients.***