Kavita's Beauty Book

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Sheroes Support Sheroes

Beauty isn't skin deep. Beauty is self-confidence. Beauty is about pushing boundaries in order to follow through with your dreams and live your life to the fullest.

I'm so happy that I had come across @dotty.art on Instagram where I was introduced to the Sheroes Hangouts charity - a female-owned café in Agra, India. This café is run by strong women who were victims of acid attacks in India. Acid attacks are brutal, life-changing crimes that impact your physical and mental wellbeing, taking years to recover depending on the severity of the crime. This crime often leaves victims with low self-esteem and makes them feel like they do not fit into society but this is not the case. Everyone has a right to follow their dreams and they shouldn't become inaccessible because you were a victim of a selfish crime.

Living in a country where less than 30% of the labour force are women, it's commendable to see the determination of Sheroes Hangouts in providing a safe & friendly community for both victims of acid attacks and the general public for a peaceful cup of tea. Sheroes Hangout also holds debates and conferences to support other victims who are struggling to recover from the incident. As a feminist, it makes me happy to see other women around the world supporting other women in need. India is deep-rooted in traditions and superstitions - some beliefs include not being able to marry because 'men don't like scarred women' but having Sheroes Hangouts disturb these societal norms and challenge outdated views is something that we definitely need to see more of!

Although I haven't visited Sheroes Hangout yet, I feel so inspired by their website. Beauty isn't all about how you look on the outside, it's to do with who you are on the inside - kindness defeats all! These brave women have gone through so much yet they channelled this energy to create something positive which is empowering women all over India. Empowered women, empower women.

However, acid attacks are still all too common in India and the first step to stop this crime is to spread awareness of the detrimental impact it has on victims and society. Survivors are fighting back and Sheroes are supporting Sheroes. I want to thank Karun at @dotty.art for sharing this charity and designing this t-shirt below featuring Goddess Durga - the Hindu Goddess which represents positive energy when facing wickedness. This T-shirt is available to purchase here and all profits go to this amazing charity!

We can all learn something from these brave women and I'm so happy to see female entrepreneurship and positive change happening in India. Be part of the movement and support the cause - Sheroes support Sheroes.

Kavita K xo

Sheroes Hangout https://www.sheroeshangout.com/

Shop your T-shirt here: https://www.dottyart.net/shop/sheroes

Dotty's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dotty.art/