Start With Why - 10 questions millennials should ask themselves as inspired by Simon Sinek's bestseller


Whether you're a business owner, looking to start up your own business or just wanting to improve your leadership skills - this book is for you! I'm always looking for books that challenge my thinking and help me experience more of those 'lightbulb' moments. Not only did I learn about the 'Golden Circle' or how business' really succeed, I learnt a lot of inspirational lessons to help me develop my leadership skills as well as how I can inspire others to aim high and accomplish their goals too.

In a nutshell, Simon Sinek explores the power of communication, consumer psychology and business techniques to provide you with the burst of inspiration everyone needs. This book has easily become a go-to book for me whenever I need a boost of inspiration or if I just need to refresh my thinking. I have even found myself quoting this book on the regular (lol) so here is a list of 10 questions I asked myself while reading this book which I think all millennials should be asking themselves!

For this post, I have collaborated with Mary from A Millennial's Diary. Though we read the same book, our questions are completely different so be sure to check her post out to see her perspective of Start With Why by clicking here.

Are my actions really effective? Do they help me achieve the unique goals that I have set for myself? Or am I only copying the steps everyone else around me is taking?

It's natural for us to analyse someone else's life and convince yourself that you need to be taking the exact same steps too - it's what humans have been doing since the beginning of time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But this is NOT going to lead to success as your goals are completely different to everyone around you. Not everything around you needs to be channelled into your vision. It's time to cancel out the noise and tune into your own thoughts. Take action to reach your goals and slay in your own lane!

Do I know the difference between aspiration and inspiration?


I shared this with a few friends and we all had different ideas about this. For me, aspiration is a goal; something you either want to achieve or become. I see inspiration to be something bigger than that. Inspiration is a glimmer of motivation or a new idea that increases your desire to work towards a goal. They can both work together but I have never thought to define both of these and now that I have, I feel like I have more clarity when I'm working towards my set goals.

Am I prepared to do anything it takes to achieve my life goals?

Sometimes it's easy to dream than to actively work on your dreams. Often, we end up saying "I'll just do it tomorrow instead" but is it really worth it? Do you value your dreams that much if you're willing to put it on hold? If you are, maybe you're not working towards the right dream or maybe you just think one day doesn't affect your long-term goals. Remember, your whole life can change in one second - why wait?

Have I ever thought about WHY I'm loyal to the companies I buy from? Do I actually like the product and do I believe in the brand?


Everyone is familiar with the whole #TeamiPhone #TeamAndroid phenomenon and this is explored throughout the book. It really showed me a whole new perspective of product branding and just how important marketing is for a business! Clue: Start with why...

Do I practice what I preach?

Hmmm, everyone has their down days. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have to admit that even though I try to be positive in all situations, sometimes it's hard to be positive 100% of the time. I should also practice giving myself the same advice as I give to my friends! It's also much easier to say what your plans are rather than to execute those same plans. Sometimes it's all about going for it without thinking too much and figuring it all out on the way!

Am I willing to take a risk for a chance to achieve great things?


YES! I'm the youngest I'll ever be at any given moment and so it's the perfect time to take a risk (to an extent). I believe that nothing great ever comes from comfort zones and I try my best to delve into new projects and experiences whenever possible. If I really believe in my potential and my dreams, then surely it's worth taking that one (carefully assessed) risk? Risk-taking is a lot to do with your instincts too and time and time again, I have proven to myself that I need to listen to my instincts - even if I can't explain why.

Do I know what my core values are? Am I willing to let go of them to fit into a crowd?

Yes, and it's definitely not worth changing your values just to suit one particular crowd of people. If you feel forced to change your values i.e. who you are in order to fit in, then you're in the wrong crowd. Protect your identity and don't be ashamed of who you are. There are other like-minded individuals out there - you just have to find them! Go where you are celebrated, not where you are tolerated. 💯

Am I confusing achievements with success?


I used to use these words interchangeably. If I achieved something then I've been successful, right? I guess achievements can be seen as stepping stones to 'success'. But then, what is 'success'? For me, success is being able to make my dreams a reality, not sacrificing my happiness and living in the present throughout that journey.

Am I confusing money with value?

It's hard when you come from a background in Economics and the word money and value is thrown about in every lecture but outside the textbooks, I've realised that these two are completely different things. Simon Sinek explores how expensive items aren't always that valuable and how life is all about accumulating memories which are so valuable, they become priceless.

Am I working to make a living or a legacy?


This question is deep. It's a reminder to really take a step back and look at the bigger picture - why are you doing what you do? What's the point of it all? And most importantly, is it worth it? Most people's day-to-day involves going to work, earning money to pay off bills then repeated x infinity. If you have a 9-5 job, are you doing the bare minimum because you know you'll get paid either way or are you down to really make an impact wherever you go? 🤔What do you guys think? Do you agree/disagree with any of my answers - I'd love to hear your thoughts! I highly recommend reading this book (or listening to the audiobook) and I hope doing so inspires you as much as it inspires me! Don't forget to check out Mary's take on Start With Why here.In case the above hasn't made you think enough, I've included some of my favourite quotes from the book too:

"...and that's because a WHY never changes. WHAT you do can change with the times, but WHY you do it never does."

"No risks would mean no exploration, no experimentation and no advancement of the society as a whole."

"We live in a tangible world. The only way people will know what you believe is by the things you say and do, if you're not consistent in the things you say and do, no one will know what you believe."

Watch snippets of Simon Sinek's Ted talks here.

Purchase the book here (available as audiobook, paperback and kindle format).

Photo Credits: @rawpixel @samuelzeller @jontyson @nate_dumlao @iabzd @_photojenika

Kavita K xo

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