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5 Lessons Learnt From Becoming - Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama has recently released her memoir, Becoming, which sold over 1.4million copies within the first week of launch! Michelle Obama needs no introduction, but just in case you’re in need of a reminder, Michelle Obama is best recognised as the first black First Lady of the USA. Her strong and determined persona to help change the lives of kids and adults alike has inspired a generation around the world.

Mary (from A Millennial’s Diary) and I thought Michelle’s book was so inspiring that we decided to collaborate again and share our thoughts with you in our blog posts. Please don’t forget to check out Mary’s take on Becoming by clicking here!

Here are 5 key lessons I learnt from Becoming that I think are very useful for anyone who needs an extra nudge to go for that opportunity or experience they’ve had their eyes on for a while.

1. Ordinary people are capable of extraordinary things.

Growing up in the Southside of Chicago where her father worked at Chicago’s Water Department and her mother was a home-maker, Michelle had a humble upbringing where her family lived upstairs of her great-aunt's house. Her interests comprised of piano lessons with her great-aunt, studying, and playing with her dolls.

Michelle was pretty much an ordinary girl, yet she had this willingness inside her which she nurtured until she was able to do extraordinary things like gaining entry into Princeton University, securing a job at a law firm, Sidley & Austin, as well as becoming First Lady of USA. Reading this was a reminder that no matter how our story started, we are always in control of how the story ends. We are all capable of great accomplishments, it’s just a matter of finding that spark and nurturing it!

2. Education is everything.

Michelle talked about how having access to education was a pivotal move in her life and without it, she would not be able to be where she is today. Her ambition and drive from a young age set her apart and her hard-work gained her entry into Princeton University. Fast forwarding to when Michelle Obama became First Lady - a position which Michelle never imagined to be in - she has contributed her efforts in many initiatives helping underprivileged children gain access to better health and education in the USA and internationally.

The Let’s Move! campaign is one of many successful campaigns Michelle started. Launched in 2010, it has resulted in 50 million kids from American public schools now having better access to healthier school meals. Part of this same initiative, 12million kids now go to a school where 60 minutes of exercise a day is a requirement.

Michelle has shown us how much change one person and one platform can have for a large group of people. All children should have access to free education to allow them to reach their true potential. However, education isn’t limited to an institution. It’s worth knowing that no matter how small or large our platforms are (including social media), we should use them in a positive way to share knowledge and help provide solutions to problems faced all over the world. A simple Instagram story or a chat over coffee could be the inspiration someone was looking for!

3. Never underestimate the power of persistence.

“Becoming requires equal parts patience and rigour. Becoming is never giving up on the idea that there’s more growing to be done.”

Can’t word it any better than Michelle has! Michelle had shared her persistence in her career at Sidley & Austin and in her marriage when Barack was away campaigning all over the USA. No matter what, Michelle stayed positive and just kept going. She didn’t give up. Everything takes time to develop - it’s natural. Giving something you truly care about consistent effort and determination will reap rewards (and you’ll also become a lot more productive)!

4. Be proud of your differences - they will help you go twice as far.

“So many of us go through life with our stories hidden, feeling ashamed or afraid when our whole truth doesn’t live up to some established ideal. We grow up with messages that tell us that there’s only one way to be American - that if our skin is dark or our hips are wide…if we speak another language or come from a different country, then we don’t belong. That is until someone dares to start telling that story differently.”

Neither of Michelle’s parents went to college and growing up with prejudice against blacks and whites, Michelle discussed how people of colour had to work twice as hard to gain the same opportunities as white people in America. Despite this, Michelle continued to strive and grabbed on to every opportunity she could which landed her a Law degree and a position at Sidley & Austin, a law firm in Chicago.

We are finally entering a generation which appreciates diversity much more than even a decade ago. It’s important to continue recognising inclusivity and the power of diversity in society to break down the barriers that are keeping many of us from doing our best. No matter who you are, I hope that you embrace your differences and similarly, are able to accept other peoples differences too.

5. Believing in yourself can make the biggest difference in your achievements.

Knowing that Michelle Obama was just an ordinary girl who went to a public school and lived a simple childhood, she sees a reflection of herself in many young kids around the world. Alternatively, many of us may see a reflection of us, in Michelle.

“…Failure is a feeling long before it’s an actual result. And for me, it felt like that’s exactly what she was planting - a suggestion of failure long before I’d even tried to succeed.”

If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? From Michelle, we can learn how to channel our doubts into a mechanism that accepts the challenge so we can reach our highest potential. Not everyone will see the vision you see for yourself but regardless, it’s everyone's responsibility to empower one another to strive for the best. Women of colour especially are the most disadvantaged group of people in society and Michelle’s initiatives have inspired so many girls around the world to stop limiting their beliefs and achieve their career & life ambitions.

Michelle Obama is without a doubt, one of the most inspiring people of our generation and is a reminder that hard work always pays off! I hope this post inspired you and provided you with some fuel to take on any challenges presented to you! Please don’t forget to read Mary’s post here and leave a comment if you would like to share your ideas!

Purchase your own copy of Becoming here - available as an audiobook, paperback and a Kindle edition.