Kavita's Beauty Book

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Korean Modelling Mask - Gimmicky or Gimme It?!

Many of the beauty trends we see online/in-store these days are often dictated by the South Korean beauty experts. Sheet masks, snail treatments, compact foundations and now modelling masks are making their way to the West!

As some of you may know, I spent a year in Tokyo a couple years back and I also visited South Korea while I was there. Being exposed to their most innovative skincare, I was lured into trying some of their products which I knew the UK didn't have at the time, one being the famous: modelling mask (a.k.a rubber mask). After having a great experience with them in Japan, I had to repurchase some online when I returned to the UK & I thought I would share my thoughts with you on my blog!

The rubber masks I tried out for the very first time were from Aritaum in Seoul. However, once I returned to the UK, I realised my avenues to buy Asian skincare was limited and I couldn't find the same one online! Instead, I did some research and came across this one by Anskin on YesStyle. There are so many different types you can get; Vitamin C, Aloe, Charcoal...but I decided to settle with the Cool Ice one which is great for calming the skin and pore management - exactly what my skin needs!

Originally this was only used by professionals at spa's in Korea but as the benefits were realised, demand grew and many brands took this as an opportunity to enter the mass market. Many Korean models and actresses swear by this product too so it was another reason why I was keen to implement this into my routine.

How to apply the modelling mask

Before I get into the application process, I just want to clarify that when it comes to face-masks there are 2 different types.

  1. The most popular type of mask here in the West are ones such as clay masks which are applied to the face and washed off which draw out impurities from the skin.

  2. The most popular type of mask in Asia are ones like sheet masks and this modelling mask which infuse your skin with healthy vitamins.

This modelling mask falls under the second category so it will work much better on an exfoliated and cleansed face. This way, the goodness from the mask can be fully absorbed into the skin! It's optional but you can also apply your face serums onto your face before application as the rubber mask will push these products into your skin. (More about this later).

So, start off with adding 2-3 spoons of the modelling mask powder into a small mixing bowl... (I got this bowl & spatula set from YesStyle too)....start to add some water and begin to mix to smooth out any lumps of power in the mixture. Keep the powder and water next to you so you can adjust the mixture as necessary. The formula shouldn't be too thick and 'rubbery' but not too watery either! Aim for a consistency that will be able to stay on your face without trickling down. You should end up with a mixture that looks something like this:

**DISCLAIMER: Do try and work as quickly as you can at this stage because if you leave it unattended for too long, it will clump up and it will not apply to your face!**

Next step: apply to your face (and neck if you wish)! It's ideal to make sure that the application is thick around the perimeters which will make it easier/less painful to remove. I did a demonstration on my arm so you can really see the consistency of the mask. Taking photos of my face with this mask on was way too up close and personal for my liking. 😂 It feels like jelly to begin with and then more rubbery as it starts to dry. It's recommended that you leave this mask on for 30-40mins which quite long but also the perfect excuse for when you want some time to relax and pamper yourself!The mask is quite dense and in a way, it forms a barrier on your skin which locks in all the ingredients from the mask and any serums you applied so it can penetrate deep into your skin! Another thing to note: this mask is REALLY COLD on the skin! I'm not sure if they are all like this or if it was just because I chose the 'Cool Ice' one but my face (and arm) retained the coolness until I removed the mask.

Once it's been 30-40mins, it's time to remove your mask! Unlike many peel off masks, this one is much easier to remove and it should all pretty much peel off in one go. If the edges of the mask did apply a little thin, use some micellar water to cleanse this off the skin. There is no need to rewash your face after this mask! Doing so will remove all the vitamins you spent 30-40mins trying to absorb into your skin!

The resultsI have used this mask a fair few times now and I always have the same results:

  • A brighter and more 'awake' complexion

  • A firmer face structure

  • Skin feels calm and rejuvenated

  • Skin feels smooth & hydrated

  • Pores appear smaller

I always enjoy using this mask because I know that it does exactly what it's meant to and it's also really relaxing! The only downside is the rush of applying it onto your face and how it can get a little messy when you're trying to get the perfect consistency! For that reason, I don't think this product is for everyone & it might seem like a chore to keep in a consistent skincare routine. However, I highly recommend you try it out at least once as you will feel satisfied with the results afterwards!Let me know if you have tried out any modelling masks and your experiences with them! If any of my friends/family are reading this and want to try it out - lemme know!! I'll happily assist you with this whole modelling mask process! 😄

Kavita K xo

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